Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Changing your Blog Title

Tip from Christy Hanna:

just wanted to let everyone know that I found out how to change the title of the blogs we created in class. I know Fryer said one would have to create a new account to change the title, but you can instead...

Log in to your blog.
Click on Customize, at top.
Choose the Layout tab.
From here you can change title.

Comment from Wes:
Thanks for sharing this Christy, you are exactly right! What I intended to say in class (and may have stated incorrectly) is that you can't change your blog address (the part of your website URL which comes before "blogspot.com" but you can change the title.

It occurs to me I should share direct access to post here on our T4T FAQ blog, so tips like yours can be shared by other students directly and I won't have to intervene for them to be published for everyone's benefit. I'll send out invites to this blog to everyone later this evening.

1 comment:

  1. First, let me say I think this is a wonderful use of a blog - a FAQ for a Technology 4 Teachers course! Excellent! I am not enrolled in this course, but I am learning a great deal and gathering tons of resources since I stumbled across this blog last night via a tweet from @wfryer. I hope the students in this course know how fortunate they are to be getting this high-quality information.

    Second, in case anyone is interested, it is technically possible to change the URL of a Blogger/Blogspot blog. You may not want your students to do this for the purposes of this course, but in case anyone ever wants to know:

    Log in to your blog.
    Click Customize at the top.
    Choose the Settings tab.
    Click Publishing.
    You'll see a Blog*Spot Address field where you can change the address of your blog.

    **From personal experience, I can tell you that all of your blog archive links will automatically be updated, but if you have made any internal links to other posts in your blog, or if somone else has made links to your blog or blog posts, those links will be broken and require manual updating. I went through this process a couple of months after creating my blog and had very few readers at the time, so it was relatively painless.

    Good luck with your continued teaching and learning from this course! :-D
