Will we have a final? What are the respective percentage values of different assignments and assessments in our class?

Our Petcha Kutcha Presentations will take the place of a written final exam. The point values for different assignments in our T4T course are detailed in our Course Overview. They are:
- Quarterly Checkup Quizzes: 40 points (10 points x 4 checkup)
- Elective Mini-Projects: 90 points (30 points x 3 mini-projects)
- Assigned Class Scribe Post: 10 points
- Course Learning Blog: 30 points
- Complete ePortfolio Website: 30 points (including Integrated Unit Plan)
- Screencast: 20 points
- Petcha Kutcha Presentation: 20 points
- Class Participation: 10 points
The percentages for these different assignments are listed in the Course Syllabus. They are:
- Quarterly Checkup Quizzes: 16%
- Elective Mini-Projects: 36%
- Assigned Class Scribe Post: 4%
- Course Learning Blog: 12%
- Complete ePortfolio Website: 12% *
- Screencast: 8%
- Petcha Kutcha Presentation: 8% **
- Class Participation: 4%
See the FAQ, "Tests in T4T" for more information about assessments.
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