My links to my blog comments do not work because I accessed the blogging websites through links from our T4T course page. When I went back to check on them they do not show up. It requires you to login to UCONNECT instead. I don't know how to fix this, or keep it from happening in the future.

Go ahead and log into UCONNECT and try the links you made on your blog. Hopefully they will work and forward you to the correct website. You need to go in and "fix" the links in your blog post, however, so others who visit your blog and click your links won't have to log into UCONNECT. (Of course people who visit your blog and don't have a UCONNECT account won't be able to get past that login screen.)
Take a look at the past FAQ post here, "Where are direct hyperlinks / URLs?" As shown in that post, the key is opening the blog website you are going to link in a NEW / SEPARATE tab or window on your browser. When you do that, you should see in the address bar (at the top of your browser window) the website / URL which does NOT start with "" Instead, the URL (website address) should start with "www..." or the domain name of the website hosting the blog you're reading.
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